Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Boy Who Dared pages 180 to 200

Helmuths story may end her but his friends lives still continued on. Karl-Heinz was sentenced to five years in a concentration camp while Rudi had to serve a harsher sentence. Toward the end of the war however the Nazi offered Karl the oppertunity to restore his dignity by fighting for Germany.In return he was released from prison, Karl immigrated to the united states in 1952.

As for the rest of Helmuths family Gerhard received the news that Helmuth had died when he was at officer training school in Warsaw Poland. Wounded three times in battle Gerhard received the Iron Cross, The Medal of Valour and the Russian Battle Medal.

Emma Guddat and Kunkel Hubner, Helmuths mother and father in law received the news about Helmuths death after reading about it in the newspaper. Helmuths mother and grandparents died in late July of 1943 during massive bombings in hamburg where about 43,000 people perished.

Many of the people that new Helmuth sad that he was very brave and noble and that his courage was un-wavering, that remains true to this day. He is still honored and admired by many people who struggle with doing what is right and being forced to witness or engage in cruel and unjust activity. Helmuth Hubner was a bold, courageous and noble young man.

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