Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Boy Who Dared pages 140 to 160

Even though Helmuth knows that he will die for sure now he still drifts back to the memory of his past not to long ago. Helmuth remembers being held by the Gestapo in a police interrogation room, he has been accused of distributing enemy propaganda. He is beaten badly by the Gestapo and to Helmuths disappointment Duwers makes a statement saying " one day it could have been the middle of January, Hubner handed me a typewritten paper and asked me to read it. I read the paper and without saying anything I hid it and took it home. I could tell at once it was inflammatory writing against Germany . At home I locked the papers up in a box because I wanted to gather evidence , so that at the right time I could Denounce Hubner. Helmuth feels betrayed and shortly after hearing this the Gestapo raid Helmuths grandparents house where he lives to try and find more enemy propaganda. They find his shortwave radio and many of his pamphlets.

They then send Helmuth to a concentration camp in Fuhlsbuttel to the north of Hamburg where he awaits in jail. Then the Gestapo take Helmuth to Gestapo headquarters where Helmuth awaits his turn in the interrogation room which is painted a dazzling white with brightly lit lights. The Nazi calls it the hall of mirrors. All around the room other prisoners stand for hours on ending to moving not even a small flinch or they are beaten. They question Helmuth and try to pull other peoples names out of him, they beat him until he gives in and gives them Karl and Rudi's names Helmuth hates himself for doing that, but the pain was too unbearable.

Then later on after thee Gestapo question Rudi and Karl and Helmuth Rudi, Karl and Duwner are taken to court. Helmuth is sentenced to die but luckily the rest of his friends are only sentenced to 10 and five years in prison. Helmuths friends stay true with him until the end and he forgives Duwner for betraying him.

I think that this part in the book is not the climax but the falling action because Helmuth already new what the consequences of his actions would have been if he was caught. I think that the climax of the story was when the Gestapo first came and arrested Helmuth because than he had no other way out. Helmuth was very blessed and lucky to have trustworthy friends like Karl and Rudi with him through the hard times even when they were facing the Factor of death. You are lucky if you even find one friend like that.

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