Monday, May 25, 2009

The Boy Who Dared pages 20 to 40

As the book progresses Hulmuth once again goes back into a flashback during which time we see once again that Hulmeth is beginning to see the terrible things that the Nazi are starting to do to the Jews. Now suddenly Hulmeth begins to see how Jews are beginning to be discriminated against. Hulmeth takes us back to a time in his childhood when he was in school and a young Jewish boy in his class is being picked n by his teacher. Hulmeth sees how his German teacher twists his Jewish students words to portray him to the class as untrustworthy. The teacher tells the class that Germany must defend themselves against the the Jews worldwide plot to take over Germany. The teacher also makes false remarks such as saying that the Jewish are trying to boycott everything German and that the Germans should do the same to the Jewish.

As Hulmeth Continues his regular day to day life, he begins to see more discrimination against the Jews. Another time Hulmeths mom Mutti asked him to get pie crust from a Jewish bakery but when Hulmeth arrived he found a disturbing scene. He sees many men in brown and black uniforms plastering posters and banners on the walls of the many different Jewish shops reading" GERMANS! DO NOT BUY FROM JEWS! WORLD JEWRY IS OUT TO DESTROY US! There are also Hitler Youth participating in this.

The Nazi behaviour surprises and disgusts Hulmeth he begins to see that What Hitler is doing to the people of Germany and that he is beginning to poison there minds with his evil thinking. Mutti, Hulmeths mother is outraged with this and comments that she should be able to by her food from whatever store she want. No one should tell her what and when to do anything. Hulmeth begins to see more people talking about how Hitler is taking away the freedom of Germany. But Hugo, Mutti's new boyfriend who is a committed Nazi disagrees and persists that Hitler will bring peace and prosperity to the fatherland , and to Hulmeth's disapointment his mother decides to move the family into a new flat that is bigger and far away from his granparents with Hugo. Hulmeth is still unsure of Hitlers motives and is starting to question his judgement and actions against the Jews.

We are once again taken back within Hulmeths mind into his present situation where he sits in the prison listening to the outside world. Then we here the footsteps of a guard and Hulmeth relaxes a little when the guard goes to the door a couple away from his cell. Hulmeth hears the guards shrill voice say o his neighbouring prisoner "Come with us ", "It is time" Hulmeth knows in his mind that his fellow prisoner is going to bee hanged and as he is killed Hulmeth bows his head and prays for another soul that has been killed and thanks the lord that it was not his time . During this time in the book we begin to understand more about where Hulmeth is and what probably will happen to him. I predict that Hulmeth will eventually be killed, but I think that he is in prison because he rebelled against Hitler and the Nazi Regine because Hulmeth is beginning to see and understand that Hitler is not a good leader and is only looking out for his best interests.

This part in Hulmeth's life reminds me of the struggles that people face everyday such as bullying. Sometimes like Hulmeth we are unsure of what is wrong and what is right. And like many other people very few of us have the courage and bravery to stand up for what they believe is right. Even though or circumstances may not be as detrimental as Hulmeths It still will eventually end up in the same conclusion. That is if we continue to watch the bad things that are happening in the world and do nothing about it it will only get worse and then we cant help anyone not even ourselves. Many of us struggle everyday with trying to make some of the same decisions that Hulmeth faced as a young boy.

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